Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Inspiration is a program that helps create digital diagrams that can be used to aid in classroom instruction. Visual learning software programs like Inspiration allow he teacher or the student to add links to definitions, video clips, or internet sites in order to illustrate a point of to demonstrate what has been learned. Once a diagram has been completed, the outline view of Inspiration may be exported to a word processor, thus providing writing support, such as a dictionary, thesaurus, word prediction, and text to speech. Visual learning tools allow students to create concept maps that show the relationships between concepts, analyze characters in a story, and create a plan for a multimedia or web project. Further, it has been proven that pictures or illustrations can enhance learning if the picture or illustration is related to the text and helps the learner to understand the text.

As referenced above, there are many useful applications for software like Inspiration. This could certainly be a useful program for presentation of concepts in music that lend themselves to this format of presentation, such as learning about historical/cultural connections to music, composers, etc.

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